2011 IEEE Project Titles, Java
Java IEEE 2011 Project Titles
MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Mobile Computing Project Titles)
NETWORKING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Networking Project Titles)
NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Network and Service Management Project Titles)
CLOUD COMPUTING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Cloud Computing Project Titles)
DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Dependable and Secure Computing Project Titles)
KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Knowledge and Data Engineering Project Titles)
PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Parallel and Distributed System Project Titles)
IMAGE PROCESSING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Image Processing Project Titles)
Java IEEE 2011 Project Titles
MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Mobile Computing Project Titles)
- On the Information Flow Required for Tracking Control in Networks of Mobile Sensing Agents
- Cross-Layer Jamming Detection and Mitigation in Wireless Broadcast Networks
- Spatial -Temporal Coverage optimization in wireless Sensor Network
- A Control Theoretic Approach to Distributed Optimal Configuration of 80211 WLANs
- Autonomous Deployment of Heterogeneous Mobile Sensors
- Design and Performance Analysis of Mobility Management Schemes Based on Pointer Forwarding
- Effective Scheduling in Infrastructure Based Cognitive Radio Networks
- Endpoint Based Call Admission Control and Resource Management for VoWLAN
- Fast Detection of Mobile Replica Node Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing
- MAC Layer Throughput Estimation in Impulse-Radio UWB Networks
- Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data Using Controlled Broadcast
- Optimal Stochastic Location Updates in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- QoS Aware Routing and Admission Control in Shadow Fading Environments for Multirate MANETs
- Secure High-Throughput Multicast Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks
- The HIDENETS Holistic Approach for the Analysis of Large Critical Mobile Systems
- Throughput Optimization in Mobile Backbone Networks
NETWORKING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Networking Project Titles)
- Component-Based Localization in Sparse Wireless Networks
- Optimal Anycast Technique for Delay-Sensitive Energy-Constrained Asynchronous Sensor Networks
- Model-Based Identification of Dominant Congested Links
- Cross-Layer Optimization for Multimedia Transport over Multicode CDMA Networks
- TOFU: Semi-Truthful Online Frequency Allocation Mechanism for Wireless Networks
- On the Complexity of the Regenerator Placement Problem in Optical Networks
- Jamming Aware traffic allocation for multipath routing using Routing using portfolio Selection
- A Novel Approach for Failure Localization in All-Optical Mesh Networks
- Energy Efficient Protocol for Cooperative Networks
- Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) Based DTN for Cislunar Communications
- Scheduling Algorithms for Multicarrier Wireless Data Systems
- Selfish Overlay Network Creation and Maintenance
- Star Block Design in Two-Level Survivable Optical Networks
- Stochastic Model and Connectivity Dynamics for VANETs in Signalized Road Systems
NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Network and Service Management Project Titles)
- Low-Overhead End-to-End Performance Measurement for Next Generation Networks
- On the Impact of Security Protocols on the Performance of SNMP
- Locating Equivalent Servants over P2P Networks
CLOUD COMPUTING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Cloud Computing Project Titles)
- Towards Secure and Dependable Storage Services in Cloud Computing
- Going Back and forth Efficient Multi deployment and multisnapshotting on Clouds
- Enabling public Auditability and data dynamics for storage security in clouding Computing
- Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Services for Many-Tasks Scientific Computing
- Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud
- Heuristics Based Query Processing for Large RDF Graphs Using Cloud Computing
- Optimization of Resource Provisioning Cost in Cloud Computing
- Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Services for MTC-Based Scientific Computing
- CloudTPS: Scalable Transactions for Web Applications in the Cloud
DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Dependable and Secure Computing Project Titles)
- Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic Based on Statistical Inference and alpha-Stable Modeling
- ELMO: Energy Aware Local Monitoring in Sensor Networks
- Efficient Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Complex Software Systems with Information-Theoretic Monitoring
- Privacy-Preserving Updates to Anonymous and Confidential Databases
- Dynamics of Malware Spread in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Low-Energy Symmetric Key Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Replica Placement for Route Diversity in Tree-Based Routing Distributed Hash Tables
- Robust Correlation of Encrypted Attack Traffic through Stepping Stones by Flow Watermarking
- Online Intrusion Alert Aggregation with Generative Data Stream Modeling
KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Knowledge and Data Engineering Project Titles)
- Mining Cluster-Based Temporal Mobile Sequential Patterns in Location-Based Service Environments
- A Link Analysis Extension of Correspondence Analysis for Mining Relational Databases
- A Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering
- A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Disease-Treatment Relations in Short Texts
- Design and Implementation of an Intrusion Response System for Relational Databases
- Adaptive Cluster Distance Bounding for High Dimensional Indexing
- Classification and Novel Class Detection in Concept-Drifting Data Streams under Time Constraints
- Cosdes: A Collaborative Spam Detection System with a Novel E-Mail Abstraction Scheme
- Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies
- Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure KD
PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Parallel and Distributed System Project Titles)
- Cooperative Channelization in Wireless Networks with Network Coding
- Video Streaming Distribution in VANETs
- Throughput Optimization in Multihop Wireless Networks with Multipacket Reception and Directional Antennas
- Attribute-Based Access Control with Efficient Revocation in Data Outsourcing Systems
- Network Immunization with Distributed Autonomy-Oriented Entities
- Optimization of Rate Allocation with Distortion Guarantee in Sensor Networks
- A Data Throughput Prediction and Optimization Service for Widely Distributed Many-Task Computing
- Multicloud Deployment of Computing Clusters for Loosely Coupled MTC Applications
- Toward Efficient and Simplified Distributed Data Intensive Computing
IMAGE PROCESSING PROJECT TITLES (IEEE 2011 Java Image Processing Project Titles)
- Nonlocal PDEs-Based Morphology on Weighted Graphs for Image and Data Processing
- Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Competition and Spatial/Frequency Information
- Perceptual Segmentation: Combining Image Segmentation With Object Tagging
- ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences
- Contextual Kernel and Spectral Methods for Learning the Semantics of Images
- JPEG2000-Based Scalable Interactive Video (JSIV)
www.ncct.in, ncctchennai@gmail.com
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